

Ab sofort können wir innerhalb Deutschlands etwas günstiger verschicken:
5.80 € Versandpauschale (statt bisher 6.90 €)

Bestellungen innerhalb Deutschlands bearbeiten wir nach Möglichkeit innerhalb von 5 Werktagen (Erfassung & Bearbeitung idR Dienstags / Versand idR Mittwochs).
Wir versenden all eure Bestellungen mit DHL (versicherter Versand + Sendungsverfolgung).

Wenn wir auf Tour sind kann sich die Bestellabwicklung verzögern - dann findet Ihr aber einen Hinweis im blauen Balken oben auf der Startseite und hier auf der "SHIPPING"-Seite!

Shipping within Germany is usually handled within 5 working days (regularly: collecting & handling on Tuesdays / shipping on Wednesdays).
All your orders will be shipped with tracking & secured (DHL 5.80 €).


Prices for intl. shipping are based on the cheapest & safest method offered by DHL - it's only what we are charged. No extras for packaging or handling.
Depending on tax-regulations of you're country you might be charged through customs clearance.
We take no responsibility on this. Please keep this in mind and be aware.

International shipping of purchased products is regularly handled within 5 working days (regularly collecting & handling on Tuesdays / shipping on Wednesdays).

For international destinations you can choose from two options:
DHL premium  - WITH tracking, insured, fastest shipping method
DHL medium - WITH tracking, NOT insured!

If we are on tour your orders will be handled with a delay. But then you will always have a note in the blue box on top of the intro-page and here in the "SHIPPING"-section!

We had to realize, that unfortunately German Post and DHL changed formats and increased their prices.
Obviously it's not possible to ship items outside of Germany for a low rate, some of the rates are hilarious...
We are very sorry for that, but just can't change it. All shipping costs displayed are actual prices we have to pay.